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Director of the National Board of Medical Examiners.

Dr. Sullivan's research interests are in hematology, with particular interest and expertise in nutritional anemias, vitamin B12 and folate metabolism; the effects of alcohol on hemopoiesis and sikle [[sickle]] cell anemia.

Dr. Sullivan is a member of the Atlanta Rotary Club, and serves on the Boards of the Metropolitan Atlanta Red Cross, the Atlanta Lung Association and the Georgia Affiliate of the American Cancer Society.

He recently was appointed to leadership on visiting committees at the Harvard Medical School and the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine. The Board of Visitors of the UC Davis School of Medicine is comprised of community leaders and business and professional authorities from a variety of fields and geographic areas. The Overseer's Committee of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College for the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine is also composed of recognized leaders in their particular fields.

Dr. Sullivan is a tennis buff and enjoys snow skiing. He and his wife, Ginger, have three children: Paul, a student at the Morehouse School of Medicine; Shanta, a senior at Spelman College; and Halsted, a tenth-grader at Westminster Schools.

[[caption]] Seniors at Atlanta University Center who participated this summer in an experimental program funded by a grant from the National Fund for Medical Education. First Row (L-to-R): Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., Eric Haynes, Darryl Harris, Ronald Blanchett, Alawode Oladele, Richard Williams, and Milford W. Greene, Ph.D., M.P.H. Second Row: Frederick Work, Mark Tyler-Lloyd, Frank Flores, Bruce Mitchell, Van Hill, James Gasque, James Sirleaf, and Daniel Johnson. [[/caption]]

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The TABLET is published quarterly by The Morehouse School of Medicine, Inc. 720 Westview Drive, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30310

Louis W. Sullivan, M.D., 
President & Dean
Virgie S. Heffernan, Editor
Betty J. Chandler, Editorial Assistant

Photos by LyBensons
Photo Series