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R.J. Reynolds Is..... 


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- Do you borrow money to pay your bills? Are you able to pay only the minimum amount due on monthly charges while interest payments accrue?

You may be headed for financial trouble.

Even a family with a reasonable income can get into financial trouble if money isn't budgeted, says Julia Martin, manager of the World Headquarters branch of the Reynolds Carolina Credit Union of R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. It begins with buying too much, when suddenly, "the car breaks down, or the washing machine needs to be replaced and there aren't funds to cover it."

Martin says careful planning can help maintain good financial health. Budgeting should include long-term savings as well as saving for such annual expenses as vacations. 

That advice is important to a family earning $15,000 a year -- or $50,000. "A family of four earning $15,000 will have a different housing situation from one earning $50,00, but many expenses will be the same," Martin contends. "Their savings must be systematic, even if it means only saving $25 a month. That small amount may be the rope that will pull them out of an emergency."

Families earning far more can also slip into debt. "At a higher income, many people become less conscientious about how they spend money," Martin explains. "They need to plan, but differently. It's not that difficult for a family earning $50,000 to get into debt."

Saving tips apply not only to people with different incomes, but also to those with different lifestyles, she says. Singles, married couples, those living in urban areas as well as rural areas need to save in much the same way. "People just need to adapt the same rules to their personal lifestyle.

Martin concedes that saving during a period of high inflation is especially difficult and recommends counseling for those in financial trouble. "At the Reynolds Carolina Credit Union, we offer budget counseling as one of our services. But people can often find help within their communities, through a variety of civic and social agencies."

Potential trouble can be avoided, she says, by following these tips toward sound financial planning:

• Keep records. You can't rely on memory to picture where all the money has gone. Pay with checks wherever possible. If you must pay with cash, keep receipts, even in a shoebox.

• Monitor your budget. Establish a budget you can live with, and check each month to see if it is being followed. Compare budget projections and actual expenditures periodically. You may need to adjust during the year.

• Make budgeting a family project. It is up to everyone in a family to follow a budget for it to work.

• Get out of bad buying habits. There are many ways to reduce expenditures that add up, from monitoring dry cleaning bills to bringing lunch to work. People are often careless in how they spend money, from wasting utilities to failing to shop for bargains.

• Set goals, even small ones. It gives you something to save for.

• Save systematically. Don't put money into savings only to withdraw it soon after. You may need it in an emergency. Put items of extra income, such as gifts, overtime pay or dividends, directly into savings.

• Eliminate impulse buying. Plan shopping trips and itemize in advance.

• Take advantage of company benefits where you work. They can mean extra income.

• Shop around when you need a loan. Investigate collateral you may have that can reduce the interest on a loan.

• Don't quit, even if you backslide. Some months will be bad, and no one can help it when the car breaks down unexpectedly.

• Finally, if you see your plan isn't working, investigate why. Recheck buying habits to look for painless budget trimming. But if the budget seems out of control, seek help.

R.J. Reynolds Industries, with headquarters in Winston-Salem, N.C., is the parent company of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.; Del Monte Corp. (canned and prepared frozen foods, beverages and fresh fruit)' R.J. Reynolds Tobacco International, Inc.; Aminoil USA, Inc. (energy); Sea-Land Industries Investments, Inc. (containerized shipping); and R.J. Reynolds Development Corp.


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. - Dan Murphy had been a consumer research specialist for 14 years before transferring into brand marketing for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., the world's largest tobacco company. He is currently brand manager for NOW cigarettes, the company's lowest "tar" product.


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. - Brenda Harris, a materials scheduler with RJR Archer, Inc., the packaging unit of R.J. Reynolds Development Corp. in Winston-Salem, N.C., has been included in the 1981 edition of Who's Who in Black Corporate America.

Selection to the prestigious group based on scholastic achievements, career progress and community involvement. 

Harris joined Archer in 1975 as a stenographer in the cylinder engraving department and has advanced to her present administrative position in the production department. She is dean's list graduate, with a degree in business administration, from Livingstone College in Salisbury, N.C. In her hometown, Tobaccoville, N.C., Harris is director of the community's recreation center.

Global Vie Publications, sponsor of the Who Who's organization, initially contacted 2,000 people who had been recommended for consideration. Each was asked to submit a biographical sketch as an application for the final selection. Harris was one of only 300 candidates chosen for the honor.

"I didn't think I had a chance, so I wasn't even going to submit the biographical sketch," says Harris. "But my husband insisted that I apply, and I was just flabbergasted when I found out I had been chosen."

R.J. Reynolds Development Corp. is a subsidiary of R.J. Reynolds Industries, which is also the parent company of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.; Del Monte Corp. (canned and prepared frozen foods, beverages and fresh fruit); R.J. Reynolds Tobacco International, Inc.; Aminoil USA, Inc. (energy); and Sea-Land Industries Investments, Inc. (containerized shipping).


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. - Marshall B. Bass Today was elected vice president of R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc.

The announcement was made by R.J. Reynolds Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, J. Paul Sticht, who said, "Bass will continue to have responsibility for corporate personnel development and will continue to serve as secretary of the public police committee of the company's board of directors."

Bass joined the personnel department of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company in 1968 as director of personnel development. With the formation of R.J. Reynolds Industries in 1970, he moved to the position of corporate director of personnel development where he has been responsible for federal contract compliance programs, equal opportunity and policies pertaining to training, promotion and evaluations of performance.

Bass Joined R.J. Tobacco Company after a 23-year military career during which he rose to the grade of lieutenant colonel.

Bass is a graduate of the University of Maryland and holds several honorary doctorates. In 1977, Bass received a Doctor of Humane Letters degree from King Memorial College, Columbia, S.C. In 1981, he was awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters degree from St. Augustine's College, Raleigh, N.C. and in 1982, he was awarded a third Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Livingstone College, Salisbury, N.C.
