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[[image - photograph of Lena Horne]]
Lena Horne

[[image - ballet]]

WORDS ALIVE! recognizes that the creative arts includes language. Spring 1984 is the third season of the third season of the highly successful literary competition introduced in 1982. The Literary Arts Panel annually commissions one special work of poetry and one of prose by published writers and winners of national prizes. These two selected writers will give a public reading of their commissioned works during the Festival. Noontime readings by the authors of the juried section, including poetry, fiction, essay, and drama, will take place in the downtown Houston Public Library on Monday through Friday, March 26-30. 
Other special events along the way include a spectacular light and sound show in Tranquility Park on the Saturday evenings of March 24 and 31. 

On Thursday, March 22, the Mayor's Ball at the Hyatt Regency will be the city's formal gala in recognition of the Festival and all it means to the cultural and artistic vitality of Houston. Especially honored will be four award winners, either individuals or institutions, whose outstanding performance in or support of the arts has uniquely contributed to the excellence of the arts in this city. 

And the Festival concludes with another party. The triumphal crowning of Tex Rex at the Bayou Bash on Friday, March 30, will climax the season's gaity and creativity, and introduce the final day of Houston Festival 1984. 

You can do it, too-at the Houston Festival.
Weekdays: 10:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Weedends: 10:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

Contact: For general information: The Houston Festival Office, (713)521-0993. 

For travel information: Karen Kershner, The Houston Festival, (713)523-6613. 

[[image - photograph of Milton Larkin]]

Milton Larkin- songster, trumpeter, trombonist, composer, humanitarian and Tex Rex of The Houston Festival 1983

Daniel Bissonet [[margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Edited: reformatted images, typos, removed paragraph indents, not required, etc.