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OICs 20th annual convocation St. Louis-May 27-30, 1984

What is OIC?

OIC-Opportunities Industrialization Centers- is a comprehensive employment training and economic development program. OIC serves disadvantaged and underskilled Americans of all races in over 100 affiliated programs nationwide and also reaches the unskilled in developing nations abroad.

OIC offers skills training in many different disciplines, including such state of the art skills as computer operation and cable TV installation. OIC training is characterized by close partnership with private sector employers which assures that training designs continually evolve to match increasingly technological labor market needs. 

OIC enjoys government support at the national, state and local level in development of expanded training and services, community economic development, and housing for older citizens. In twenty years of service, OIC has been the instrument for positive change in the lives of millions.

OICs of America, Inc. (OIC/A), the national organization, provides technical assistance for OIC affiliates in the areas of program management, program development, community economic development, alternative education programs and business enterprise development. 

Leon H. Sullivan
Chairman of the Board

Elton Jolly
Executive Director

We help ourselves
[[the key-shaped logo of the OIC]]
Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America, Inc.
100 West Coulter Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144

Closely aligned with OICs of America, Inc. (OIC/A) are:
OIC International (OICI)
OICI since 1969 has established employment training programs abroad in Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Togo, Lesotho and The Gambia. The Convocation attracts representatives from other parts of the world such as Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and the United Kingdom, where there is interest in OIC development.

Opportunities Academy of Management Training, Inc. (OAMT)
OAMT is a professional training organization which offers courses in human resource development, leadership, employment training legislation and business management, including minority entrepreneurship, at various sites across the nation.

OIC has been praised by Presidents and honored with awards as a viable, cost-effective program. The bottom line is that OIC helps people to help themselves, reduces welfare dependency, and contributes to building national productivity.

By writing the OIC Convocation into your 1984 budget, you align your organization with OIC's upbeat effort to give the poor and unemployed "a hand up, not a handout."

[[Five pictures depicting programs offered by the OIC]]

[[Caption fifth photo]]
OIC Housing for the Elderly
