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The National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO), the membership association of 114 historically and predominantly black colleges and universities-public and private, two-year and four-year, undergraduate, graduate and professional-was founded in 1969 as a nonprofit, voluntary, independent association of these institutions. These colleges and universities-which are located in fifteen Southern states, 4 Northern states, 1 mid-Western state, 1 Western state, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands-enroll some 250,000 students yearly and graduate more than 30,000 students annually.

Acting as the informed and coherent voice for these diverse institutions, NAFEO serves as the clearinghouse for information on them, as a coordinator for the development of a collective approach for higher education, and as a resource for its institutional presidents. The Association continuously articulates the need for a higher education system where race, income and previous education are not determinants of either the quality or quantity of higher education.


NAFEO annually sponsors a Conference to assess and reassess the needs of Blacks in higher education. This Conference, which annually attracts some 2,000 Black leaders, is the single most important national forum in America for the discussion of issues affecting Blacks in higher education. Each year, representatives from academia, federal and state governmental agencies, private industry, nonprofit associations, and many national foundations and philanthropic organizations meet in Washington to develop new strategies for increasing and enhancing the opportunities for Blacks in higher education. The commitment of these individuals to the goal of achieving equality and equity for Blacks in higher education is evident by their continued support of NAFEO through participation at our National Conference.

In order to allow NAFEO to chart a course which will enable all to facilitate the enhancement of the education of Blacks, the Ninth National Conference will address the theme "Trends." During a three-and-one-half-day period, we will convene concurrent workshops, general sessions and other forums in which experts and/or scholars will explore trends which have implications for the higher education of Blacks. Through the exploration of scientific and technological, socio-economic, political, domestic and international trends, and other prevailing tendencies and interaction with the attendees, we will be able to move in consonance with, rather than in opposition to, these prevailing tendencies.


As an exhibitor, this setting would provide you with the opportunity to meet and engage in dialogue with the hundreds of attendees from higher educational institutions, governmental agencies, corporations, foundations, and philanthropic organizations. We shall again conduct our Conference registration and serve refreshments in the Exhibition Hall. Exhibitors have commended us for using this technique to maximize interaction between our exhibitors and conferees. Our aim, frankly, is to facilitate your conveying your message to this influential group of leaders who are interested in expanding educational opportunities for Blacks. Last year, over 2,000 persons attended the Conference and visited the exhibits. Your exhibition will allow you to have direct access to these decision makers, thus providing you with the opportunity to enhance your public image and increase minority recruitment.

Please check the enclosed registration form where indicated if you desire to receive exhibition materials. Immediate response will assure you prime exhibit space.


Again this year, NAFEO will have an artistic performance featuring talented students who are attending our member institutional campuses. This production, which will exhibit the untapped artistry which flourishes at the historically black colleges and universities, will be held on Friday, March 30, 1984. The $25.00 admission fee includes a buffet reception.


NAFEO will sponsor a High School Students' Day on Thursday, March 29, 1984, as a part of the National Conference. We anticipate that approximately 2,000 college-bound senior high school students and their counselors from the Washington metropolitan area will attend this activity.


NAFEO will hold its first Silent Auction on Thursday, March 29, 1984. Available for bid will be educational, social and general interest items. This activity is open to conference registrants; however, there is a $5.00 admission fee for non-registrants.


The highlight of NAFEO's Conference is the Annual Leadership Awards Banquet which brings together Black leadership from within the historically Black colleges, as well as representatives from predominantly white college and from the broader community. The Leadership Awards Banquet is the occasion set aside by NAFEO to recognize those leaders in the field of Black higher education whose dedicated service, exemplary careers, and contributions to the education of Black Americans merit them a position of high honor.

We invite you to join us at this important affair by purchasing a table or seat at the Banquet. You organization/agency can illustrate its commitment to and support of Black higher education by joining our Leadership Awards Banquet Patrons' List. Patrons receive priority seating in the Banquet Hall.


The Minority Employment Opportunity Center (MEOC) is designed to assist minority job seekers in identifying viable employment options and to assist institutions in identifying qualified minority job candidates. Conference registrants are eligible to participate. Job candidates who do not register will be charged a $15.00 fee. For additional information, contact the NAFEO Office or check where appropriate on the attached Registration Form.


NAFEO will hold the Third Benjamin E. Mays National Educational Summit on Sunday, April 1, 1984.


Please assist us in updating our master mailing file by making any necessary corrections directly on this computerized label and returning it to the NAFEO Office.


Dorothy McMillan of ABC-TV
and Chris Edley of U.N.C.F.