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Reagan-Bush '84

President Ronald Reagan

Why Black Americans should vote for Reagan

Black Americans are increasing their political influence and now face the challenge of how best to apply their growing electoral power. We must clearly identify the issues best suited to address those issues.
Economic and legal equity are our paramount concerns for the 80's, and Ronald Reagan is the only leader who can address those concerns adequately. The Democrats gave us the highest inflation rates in 120 years-inflation that hurt poor Blacks more than anyone else and destroyed the upward mobility of our middle class.
President Reagan is giving us economic recovery and the hope of turning our inner cities into enterprise zones of economic prosperity. True progress for Black Americans comes when an expanding economy creates new jobs. That is what is happening now. In the last year, the economic recovery has provided new jobs for Blacks as a faster rate than whites. Black unemployment has declined four full percentage points from its former high. Those figures hold the promise of lasting economic independence and growth for all Black Americans.
Steady growth is the Republicans' message. In 1969 the Republicans founded the office of Minority Business Enterprise. Today there are over six hundred thousand minority-owned firms creating new jobs and paying taxes in minority communities. 
President Reagan also believes in equal protection under the law. The Reagan Justice Department brought 64 suits to enforce voting rights, double the number in the Carter Administration, and filed ten cases alleging civil rights violations involving racial violence, the largest number in history. Anti-employment discrimination efforts also recovered $35 million in backpay in 1983, $15 million more than in 1980. 
In short, Ronald Reagan is our man for President. He is the only President that has gone beyond the standard political rhetoric and addressed the issues that are truly important to Blacks- the economy and legal equality.

By LeGree S. Daniels
Chair of Black Voters


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[Image of Ronald Regan]