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Continued from page 160
  But, though his track exploits carved immortality for him, those who knew Jesse Owens treasured more the man he became. He was a polished public speaker, far more articulate and profound than many who carried more college degrees.
  His alma mater, Ohio State, accorded him an honorary degree, elected him a charter member of its Athletic Hall of Fame, named its track in Ohio Stadium, The Jesse Owens Track and constructed The Jesse Owens Memorial Plaza, north of Ohio Stadium.
  His achievements are best summed up in the remarks which recommended naming the track for him..
  "Jesse Owens has been called the champion of the century.  As an athlete, he carried the name of this University and this country to new heights of world acclaim. As a friend and advocate of youth, an ambassador for the best that sports has to offer, as a humanitarian in the highest sense of the word, he earned world respect. His life exemplified the foundation on which The Ohio State University has been built - opportunity and excellence.
  "As long as there are people who compete in sports, the name of Jesse Owens will be remembered. As long as there are
people who contemplate and comprehend the tragic waste of racial discrimination, the life of Jesse Owens will shine as a beacon."


This trophy is awarded annually to the amateur athlete whose achievements best exemplify the Olympian spirit of Jesse Owens. The award is based on the individual's merit regardless of race, nationality, color or creed. Calvin Massey designed the trophy to depict Jesse Owens the athlete atop a bronze globe encircled by figures of athletes engaged in sports of all kinds.

   The seventh child of Henry and Emma Alexander Owens was named James Cleveland when he was born in Alabama in 1913. "J.C", as he was called was nine when the sharecropper family went north to Cleveland, Ohio, where his new schoolteacher gave him the name that was to become known around the world. The teacher was told "J.C" when she asked his name to enter in her role book, but she thought he had said "Jesse." And Jesse Owen was the name he used for the rest of his life.
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