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New York State Assembly, Stanley Fink.
Those performing at the occasion were the famous Boys Choir of Harlem, Abyssinian Baptist Church, who succeeded Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Others appearing on the program were: Congressman Charles B. Rangel, City Councilman Fred Samuel, Honorable Annie B, Martin, President of New York Branch N.A.A.C.F., Honorable Basil A. Paterson Paterson, Former Secretary of State of New York, Rev. David Licorish, Former Assistant Pastor to Adam Clayton  Powell, Jr., Honorable Lillian Upshur, Former District Leader with Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Honorable Hazel N. Duke, President New York State N.A.A.C.P. Conferences of Branches, Honorable Angelo Del Toro, Assemblyman, Chairman of Black and Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus, Bro. Joseph Price, St. Aloysius Church, Honorable Lloyd Dickens, Former Assemblyman, New York County Democratic Leader, Senator Leon Bogues, Most Rev. Bishop Emerson Moore, D.D., St. Charles Borremeo, Dr. Wyatt T. Walker, Rev. Charles Kenyatta.
Continuing in her welcome remarks, Assemblywoman Daniels urged Blacks to carry out Adam Clayton Powell's mandate to register and vote.
In closing she said, "Can you not hear Adam" now when he said, and I am quoting him, "They will be voting for me when I am dead and gone" end quote. He said it and we did it. Representatives of the New York State Assembly and Representatives of the New York State Senate".
"What was Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. all about? I will tell you. His belief and our beliefs in the United States of America regardless of whether you are Black, White, Jewish, Protestant, Catholic or whatever creed of belief one has. It is what is best for all American citizens. That was his mandate. That was his creed".
"Remember his credo - DO NOT BUY WHERE YOU CANNOT WORK. He did not mean just 125th Street here in Harlem but from the state of Main to the state of California. From the state of Washington the state of Florida. From the state of Minnesota to the state of Louisiana. And that, besides his courageous efforts on behalf of the Black people of America is why we honor ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, JR. TODAY".