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Caucus Weekend
Sept. 12-22, 1984
Washington Hilton, Wash., D.C.

For the first time, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation is presenting a series of Issue Forums. These Forums, co-sponsored by several national Black organizations, will discuss issues of vital importance to the Black community. We are fortunate that many eminent Members of Congress, scholars, corporate executives, activists, entrepreneurs and experts have come to assist us in exploring these topics.

This program contains a schedule of the Forums, their times and locations. All of them will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, September 21 and 22 at the Washington Hilton Hotel. We welcome you, look forward to your contributions and hope that these Forums will increase our understanding of the challenges that we face, and the strategies we must adopt, as we formulate and move "The Black Agenda for the 80's": Toward Political and Economic Empowerment."

Congressman William L. Clay
Chairman, Thirteenth Annual Legislative Weekend


Issue Forums
Free/Open to the public

Unemployment is the greatest crisis now facing the Black community. Our adult rate–almost twice that for whites since World War II–now stands at a staggering 2-1/2 times the rate for white adults. For Black youth, there is a national tragedy in the making. The catestrophic [[catastrophic]] rate for Black youth–over 56%–carries with it significant social and interpersonal costs.  Moreover, the phenonomenon [[phenomenon]] of structural unemployment–that is, increasing number of workers who, by virture [[virtue]] of their lack of skills or obsolescent skills, may never be assimilated into the labor force of the future–calls for comprehensive national employment policies to address these problems without further delay. This Forum will discuss structural unemployment and recent policies that have been proposed to ameliorate its effects.

Moderator:       Maudeen Cooper, Esq.
                 Vice President
                 National Urban League

Presentor:       Dr. Andrew Brimmer
                 Andrew Brimmer and Company
                 Washington, D.C.

Respondents:     Edward Cooke, Esq.
                 Special Counsel
                 Committee on House Administration

                 Dr. James McGee
                 Director of Research
                 National Urban League

                 The New Coalition of Conscience:
                 Legislative Issues
                 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
                 (Panelist to be supplied)

                 Black Artists, Athletes and
                 Entrepreneurs In the Media
                 The Invisibility Factor

We count on Black artist, athletes and entreprenuers [[entrepreneurs]] of the media to present a positive image to our youth, our communities and our world. We count upon them to make dynamic contributions to our political and




