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55 West 125th Street, New York, N.Y. 10027



Born in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, the only child of Telius and Beulah Lewis, early left her native state with he [her] parents and grew up in Gary, Indiana and Cleveland, Ohio, in the public schools of which she received her elementary education.

EDUCATION: She was graduated from Meharry Medical College with a degree in pharmacy. Later she practiced her profession in Indiana, Louisiana and New York. Further training includes at attendance Teachers College of Columbia University, New York School for Social Research (Courses in Public Relations and Housing) and two years at the University of Berlin where she studied Biology and Education and became fluent in German.

EMPLOYMENT: In 1972 she was appointed to a four-year term as a member of National Advisory and Drug Committee in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The Committee reviews and evaluates programs of the Food and Drug Administrative and makes recommendations to the FDA Commissioner.

VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Mrs Moon is chairman of the National Urban League Guild of which she is he [the] founder. Mrs. Moon was elected as the first President of the Council of Urban League Guilds in Cleveland, Ohio at the Urban League Conference in 1952.

In 1950 she won a law suit against the elegant and exclusive Pierre Hotel in New York City which had refused to rent their much desirable ballroom to the Guild for a benefit affair.

The Guild is an auxiliary of the National Urban League organized to raise funds for and help promote th [the] goals of the parent body. The Guild has raised more than $500,000.00 for the League during the last quarter of a century. Mrs. Moon has also served as a member of the National Urban League's Board of Directors, including seven years as Board Secretary. Success of the national Guild stimulated organizations of local guilds throughout the country. There are currently eighty-one Urban League Guilds across the country.

Other volunteer activities include membership on the boards of The Ladies of Charity, Sickle Cell Disease Foundation, and Catholic International Council. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Coalition of 100 Black Women.

She is a long-time member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

MARITAL STATUS: Married to Henry Lee Moon, long-term Director of Public Relations for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and former editor of the Association's official magazine. The Crisis. They have a daughter, Mrs. Stephen Elliot and four lovely grandchildren.

RELIGION: Roman Catholic.

OTHER: Mrs Moon has traveled extensively throughout the United States as well as Europe, Asia and Africa. In their Queens apartment, the Moons have often been hosts of distinguished guests, foreign as well as American. 

In September, 1975, she was a member of a distinguished group of Americans who were invited by the Government of Iran to serve as a participant in the ten-day Aspen Institute / Persepolis symposium.



Saturday, October 22, 1983

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The Harlem Unit of the American Cancer Society's New York City Division is engage in research, education and patient service in addressing the high incidence of cancer among black people. According to the National Cancer Institute, Black people have higher rates of some kinds of cancer than whites.