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Next meeting 
April 26, 1985 
Springfield, Mass.

The Brethren

JOHN B. YOUNG is a graduate of Central High School, Jefferson, Texas. After finishing school he was drafted into the Army Air Force. He spent 3 years there and was honorably discharged. He started to work at Fisk Tire Plant, Chicopee Falls in 1945 until 1955 at which time he started his own business. Mr. Young received several awards and served on several boards. In 1975 Mr. Young received The Employees Merit Award from The President's Commission on Employment of The Handicapped. In 1977 the same award was received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for employing the handicapped. In December 1977 Mr. Young received the Employees of The Year Award for outstanding employment of the handicapped from Goodwill Industries. In 1978 The Greater Enfield Association for the Retarded and Handicapped Citizen Inc., Mr. Young received the Meritorious Service Award. In 1979 an outstanding service award was received from Suez Temple #114 for outstanding service. In 1980 a special citation award to John B. Young in recognition of oustanding effort to provide employment for the disabled from Goodwill Inc. From 1979 to 1983 The Private Industrial Council of Hampden County in appreciation was given an award for service as a board member. In 1984 Mr. Young was asked by the Springfield Technical Community College to serve as a member of The Springfield Technical Community College area manpower council.


Elected "Fellow" of American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists. 
Certified by American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecologists and Diplomat of this Board.
Certified by Medical Center of Western Massachusetts for completion of Residency Program in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Certified by American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecologists for completion of approved Course of Graduate Study and Residency.
Certified by Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine.
Certified by Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates.
Received Doctorate of Medicine Degree from Univerdad Automoma de Guadalajara, Mexico and University National de Mexico.

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