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The Spirit of America

Mabry Mill, Virginia by Clyde H. Smith

Where the woodland farmer flourished, the miller was not far behind. Independent and enterprising, he signalled the coming of trade and prosperity. And looking to the future, he relaxed at the day's end with America's native whiskey: Kentucky Bourbon. Old Grand-Dad still makes that Bourbon much as we did 100 years ago. It's the spirit of America.

For a 19" x 26" print of Mabry Mill, send a check or money order for $4.95 to Spirit of America offer, P.O. Box 183V, Carle Place, N.Y. 11514

Old Grand-Dad
Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. 86 Proof. Old Grand-Dad Distillery Co., Frankfort, KY copyright 1983 National Distillers

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