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To The Family Members of The Late Dr. Benjamin Elijah Mays 

Dear Relatives of the Deceased: 

An analogy of man's purpose of life has been attempted since the beginning of time by philosophers, theologians, religionists, teachers, and ordinary people. Each has expressed a glimmer of truth...which when consolidated into a full proportion...measures much less than the true maximized composite of that individual. 

Only God - Himself, and probably some other humans who have direct association with that person during their life-time...where soulful expressions...rendered reasonable proximations relative to that human association...and bridges over into that realm where the departed human has joined the cosmic eternity of eternities...where all truth is accommodated. 

So when death comes...the hardest thing...which we, the living must endure about human knowing the fact...that one day...our human life will death! And the question we ask is: "What then...after death?"

Dr. Benjamin Elijah Mays...your blood relative is now...dead! The measurement of his life...through all of his years of living can best be understood by you, his family! But you your remembering...accept that he belonged also to us...his extended family...who are scattered throughout the length, and breadth of the entire world! He belonged to us too...and we...likewise belonged to him. Therefore, we like you...blood relatives...rejoice in the simple truth that we too...have some measurement of stating who Dr. Benjamin E. Mays was...and is...amongst all of us...his full living family. 

No words of sympathy from any of us can replace the void which his death has made. But we can say in unison...because we have sad human emotions and feelings...upon this occasion which affects us greatly...where his departure...becomes a monument and a great reminder of his love for all mankind!

In establishing this monument we adapt our Christ did in HIS Parable about the four points of the Samaritan...thusly: 

A man was waylaid and injured! He was left on the roadside! He had great human needs!

A Priest of some repute, gaudily regaled in the very best finery of the day...passed by on the other side!

A Levite, of high status and importance, looked the other way!

But the Samaritan...of low birth and status...according to the regard of the elite of that day...stopped and had compassion for man. He gave supplication for his wounds...and rendered other maintenance for his needs...until the fallen man could care for himself again!

Many family members live a lifetime without the kind of love and strength which has been given to all of you by Dr. Mays. Some of us can imagine what it really does mean to be so closely associated with such a saintly relative when human barriers and problems inhibited their comfortable ongoing. 

But GOD HIS Divine Wisdom...who will become human beacons of flickering lead us...safely into the harbour of service to all mankind...under GOD's direction. Dr. Mays has been such as beacon! Because he lived...he helped many to place their irregular lives into a heated crucible over intense heat...where all the frailties in their lives were burned the extent that we have become personalities...and there by edify the power of GOD's Grace. 

I feel that the love you blood relatives hold for your deceased beloved Dr. Mays has built a bulwark between you and those negative features in your lives which have caused you sadness and heartache. In times like these, when we humans are powerless to direct our course...we must remember that there is ONE WHO CAN COME TO OUR AID...and no matter who we are...and how strong we may be...times like these do come...and our weakness...need the CONSOLING AND PLACATING CONCERN WHICH GOD WILL give us! 

You must remember this during the days which will unfold! You must take your strength from GOD's eternal promises! 

Ernest W. Wright, Sr.
Historian June 3, 1941
of the first Graduating Class under
Dr. Benjamin E. Mays from Morehouse College