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Legislative Update


Both the House of Representatives and the Senate have approved legislation to guarantee 37 million Social Security beneficiaries a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) this January even if the inflation rate is below 3 percent. Under present law, prices must rise by at least 3 percent to trigger the COLA.

The exact amount of the inflation rate for the measurement period–the third quarter in 1983 (July, August, and September) to the third quarter in 1984–was not known until late October, after Congress has already adjourned.

The COLA guarantee legislation is a precautionary measure in the unlikely event that the prices should dip below 3 percent. As things now stand, the inflation rate must decline in September before the COLA guarantee legislation is needed.


Funding for the popular Senior Community Service Employment Program is likely to increase beginning in July, 1985. This will provide more jobs for low-income older Blacks and other older Americans.

Currently, the senior jobs program is funded at $317.3 million. This provides jobs for about 62,100 persons on a particular day.

The new funding level is likely to be $326 million, which will provide employment for 63,800 low-income older Americans on a daily basis. As a practical matter, many persons in the senior service corps find jobs in the private sector, opening the door for new employment opportunities for older Americans. More than 100,000 low-income elderly persons are expected to participate in the program on an annual basis because numerous enrollees can use their newly learned skills to get higher paying jobs in the private sector.


New legislation has been enacted into law to require polling places in Federal elections to be accessible to the aged and handicapped unless it is impossible to locate an accessible place or make a site temporarily accessible.

This law will affect Federal elections beginning in 1986. It will not have any impact on the 1984 Presidential and Congressional elections.

NCBA Elects New Officers, Directors

Dr. Aaron E. Henry of Clarksdale, Mississippi and Gorham L. Black, Jr. of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania have been elected Co-Chairmen for 1984-1985.

Dr. Henry has served as Chairman of the NCBA since 1974. He is a pharmacist and is currently a member of the Mississippi State Legislature. Dr. Henry also serves as the Chairman of WLBT-Channel 3, an NCBA television affiliate in Jackson, and he is formerly the Democratic National Committeeman.

Mr. Black up until recently served as Secretary of the Department of Aging for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Mr. Black is a retired Army Colonel and has also served as Region III Director of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. He also served as a Vice President for ARA, a national food service contractor.

The following persons were elected by the Membership to the Board of Directors:

Gorham L. Black, Jr.
Paul Bridgewater
Naomi Epps
Aaron E. Henry
Ann Hill
Charles Hopkins
Theodora G. Jackson
Anne B. Turpeau
Carl F. West

In addition, five individuals were elected by the Board to the Board of Directors. They are:

M. L. Banner
George C. Dumas
Billie Sewell Johnson
William T. Patrick, Jr.
Bob Thomas

With this issue we begin the publication of a quarterly newsletter for the approximately 30,000 members of NCBA. This service is made possible as a result of the financial assistance of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. This newsletter is designed to keep members informed of the activities of NCBA, as well as on issues and developments of interest to the elderly. Please let us here from you on items that you would like to see in the newsletter.

In this issue and in earlier communications NCBA has informed you of services and benefits it provides for its members. With the assistance of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, we intend to develop new and expanded benefits. We, however, would appreciate your writing to us as to any additional benefits which would be helpful.

[[caption]] Gorham L. Black, Jr., Co-Chairman, NCBA Board of Directors [[/caption]]

Tax Counseling

Continued from page [[?]]

lors will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses.

Would you or someone you know like to serve as a volunteer tax counselor? If so, please complete the form below and let NCBA put you in touch with a coordinator Please send your completed form to:

Edythe S. Poole, C.P.A
Vice President of Finance
NCBA, Inc., Suite 500
1424 K. Street, N.W.
Washington D.C. 20005

I am interested in participating in the Tax-Aide program

Name [[blank line]] 
Mailing Address [[blank line]] 
City [[blank line]] 
State [[blank line]] 
Zip [[blank line]] 
Telephone [[blank line]] 

[[caption]] Samuel J. Simmons, President, NCBA [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Aaron E. Henry, Co-Chairman, NCBA Board of Directors [[/caption]]


Transcription Notes:
Unsure of how the articles are separated and formatted's all good