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National Urban League is 75 Years Old...

generally concluded that black financial institutions, relative to comparable firms (i.e., same size class, age, general location–County or SMSA, same type–federal or state): 1) have lower average deposit account sized, 2) have lower average loan sizes, 3) experience a higher proportion of loan default, or bad debts, 4) have higher operating expenses, 5) have lower capital accounts with which to cushion loan losses and support growth, and 6) have lower overall financial viability. These findings have been attributed to lower per capita income and less stable employment characteristics of the communities which the black financial institutions serve." 

Copies of the 231-page "The State of Black America-1985" are available through the Communications Department National Urban League, 500 E. 62nd St., New York, N.Y. 10032, at $17 a copy, plus $1 for postage and handling. 

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