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[[Image of Melvin Cuthbert Patrick]]
 Melvin Cuthbert Patrick Remembered

Morehouse man and Sigma brother. He love them both and would have no other.
Elegant in his attire, his derby hat was much admired.
Legend created in his day. He touched us all in a special way.
Vineyard Haven, Oak Bluffs and old Edgertown. He loved them all from Cape to Sound.
Illustrator with words and pictures, he crafted a panaroma of unusual mixtures.
Nostalgic was he prone to be, as he recalled events of history.

Cerebral in his mentality, he was also adept at conviality.
Urbane was he in his manner, at City Hall he was an urban planner.
Tenacious man with a bulldog's grip. When angered by someone he took no lip.
Humor was his stock in trade. With levity and wit he was unafraid.
Bon Vivant, cosmopolite too. He traveled the country to bring the Delegate to you.
Erudite he was in academics. He mastered the art of verbal polemics.
Retrospect was his great delight. He never forgot a score or who won a fight.
Torch Bearer for causes of the needy. He left his mark on the selfish and the greedy.

Picture taking was his forte. No subject was too close or too far away.
Articulate was he in conversation. A genius indeed at exhortation.
Tough by standards of the street. He velvetized both strong and meek.
Raffish quality was part of his charm. However, with friends he was no alarm.
Intrepid was he while on the grail, cementing his contacts in person, by phone and by mail.
Convention exhibits were always his test. At covering these areas he was the best.
Knickerbocker was symbol of the "APPLE"...But you, dear Melvin
Changed that "APPLE"
into a tree of ebony beauty.

With fond remembrance,
Howard P. Carrington