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the money he possessed, viz $25, and which was locked up in said chest. On same plantation they tied up Green and Jim, an old man, by the thumbs. They made John Turner mark time beating him over the head and feet with pistols to compell him to do so. This information was given at first by the parties agrieved, who stated they [[strikethrough]] comm [[/strikethrough]] the Militia committed many petty offences at the same time, such as tearing down hen houses, shooting chickens &c. Since the interested parties have complained, their statements have been confirmed by a white man. I reported this case to L. Donnell J. P. who expressed his sympathy for the Freedmen and condemnation of the act of lawlessness, but candidly acknowledged he did not have the power (Physically) to assist the Freedmen or bring the guilty parties to justice, and desired me to use Military power to have them arrested; but owing to the distance and want of necessary horses to mount a force sufficient to make an arrest of these parties. [[strikethrough]] Hence [[/strikethrough]] they are now unpunished