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Head Qrs Post Columbus, Ga
27th July 1865

Transport Forty Negroes in charge of Boy Julius to their homes in Canton Miss by R. R. via Union Springs,  Montgomery, Mobile Meridian Jackson to Canton.

By Order of
signed W. Wien 
Capt Comdg Post
Columbus Ga.

Head Qrs Commissioner of Abandoned 
Lands and the Freedmens Bureau of Ala
Montgomery Ala 31st July 1865

Leut S R Palmer
Transportation officer. 

Will furnish Cold Boy Julius & Forty Negroes Transportation from Montgomery to Canton Miss via Selma by boat, Meridian and Jackson.

By Order of 
Brig Genl Wager Swayne
signed Jas F [[McLoyy?]]
Leut and A. A. A. M.

Transcription Notes:
Wager, not Nager, Swayne