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The State of Mississippi }
Newton County. }

To the Officers of the Freedmen's Bureau, at Meridian, Mississippi,

Whereas, J. E. [[Carthidge?]] of State & County aforesaid, having been duly appointed Leader of a patrol Company, to arrest all stragglers, vagrants &c. by order of the Police Court, at August term 1865, has this day arrested, and reported to me as director by said Board,  the following named freedmen, to-wit Samuel Simmons, Robert Simmons, Seaborn Simmons, and Mary Simmons, all of whom are without employment, and void of any ostensible means of Support and must, therefore, necessarily subsist by stealth, to the annoyance and discomfiture of our Citizens. 

I therefore report said Freedmen to you, as I am unadvised as to what course to pursue, otherwise.
If your honor, will advise me in what manner to dispose of such delinquents in future I will be much obliged -
[[signature]] Benjamin Stone [[/signature]] (J. P.)
September, 11th 1865.

P. S. Please forward an answer by tomorrow's mail.
[[signature]] Benj Stone [[/signature]]. (J. P.)