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Office Sub Com Freed Bureau
Canton Miss. Septr 28th 1865

Lieut Col. R S Donaldson
Asst Commissioner

I have the honor to report that by reason of the amount of duty I have to do in my Company and in the office of the Post Adjutant and Act Post Q. M., I am unable to continue any longer as Act. Sub. Com. F. B.

I have been serving all the time without an appointment or an Order  I have nothing to show by what Authority I am acting  I would be glad to continue in this Bureau if it could be arranged so I could be releived from the other duties I have to perform  In consideration of this I would recomend R. C. St Clair (Late Lieut) as a suitable person to fill the Office of Sub Com F. B. at this Post -

Verry Respectfully Your Obdt Servt
[[signature]] J W Critchfield [[/signature]] 1st Lieut Act Sub Com Freed B