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Office Sub Commissioner Freedmen
Jackson Miss Nov 11th 1865

Lieut E Bamberger
A A A General

I have the honor to Submit the following report of the proceedings of this office for the week ending Saturday November the 11th 1865 times have been dull and but little business to do in consequence of late orders concerning the Bureau the most that is done is issuing rations to the destitute there has been several new applicants for rations during the week, but a portion of them I do not think are as needy, as they report to be.

There has been quite a number of cases reported to me by the colored people about their employers not paying them for their work but I can do nothing for them, only refer them to the civil authorities and advise them what to do, There has been no contracts approved by me as yet nor I have not heard of any being made. I suppose the farmers are making Contracts with the Freedmen and ar not having them approved

very Respectfully
your Obedient Servt
[[signature]] Corpl E. Dye [[/signature]]
Sub Commissioner Freedmen 

Transcription Notes:
changed "Daye" to "Dye"