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Hd Qrs. U. S. Forces Goodman Miss.
November 11th 1865

Lieut E Bamberger

Sir: -
After having made diligent inquiries in relation to an apprehended insurrection among the Freedmen in this vicinity I am happy to inform you that in my opinion those apprehensions were utterly groundless.

Mr Anderson (Civil Magistrate here) has also taken active measures in ferreting out the truth of the matter and he also fully believes it was a false alarm - S. E. Wilson Editor & Proprietor of the Kosciusko Chronicle and Capt. of a Volunteer Company of State Militia corroborates the above expressed opinion.

You may rest assured that any attempted outbreak among the Freedmen will be promptly met by me and my command

Very Respectfully I Remain
Your Obdt. Servant
[[signature]] C DuBois [[/signature]] Capt. Comdg U S Forces
Goodman Miss & Sub. Com. F. Bureau -