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Office Sub Com Freedmans Bureau
Post of Okolona Miss Dec 4" 1865.

Personally appeared before me, [[insertion]] 
W.F. Dubois 1st Lt & Sub Com F. B. Okola Miss. [[/insertion]]  Mary-Ann Smith of the County of Chickasaw and State of Mississippi and made oath to the following statement viz;

My name is Mary Ann Smith. I formerly belonged to Joel Smith of the County & State Aforesaid. After the surrender I made a contract with Joel Smith to work for a share of the crop.
On the Morning of Dec 1st 1865 Joel Smith told me to go and water the hogs. I went toward where the hogs were but when [[Jack?]] Smith was out of sight I returned to the house and got breakfast for my children first, and afterward, took the hogs to water. While watering the hogs Joel Smith came up and said "I was a miserable long time watering the hogs." After watering the hogs I went to the field to build fence On arriving there Joel Smith asked me "what I had been doing so long" I told him I  had been watering the hogs." He said that was a lie and cut a whip and whipped me very severly. I told him I would report him. He replied he did not care for me the Yankees nor the Devil and if I reported him I should pay heavy, and, to work on till night, and, if I wanted to report him to take it at night. I went that night to Pararie Station to report him, but the Soldiers had gone and I went back toward Joel Smiths plantation. He met me while going back and cursed me and told me that I should not stay on the place but to tak my children and rags
