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Cause in the world for such conduct advising one to leave and seek work elsewhere.

I then get my things and went to Palo Alto, to J. S. Armstrong Justice of the Peace, and told him my case. He replied "Old man I have no law to help you. I sent to West Point to get it but it has not yet come. Have a law book in the house but twould do you no good." Stayed with Calvin Ivy that night, about five miles from my former Employers and hired to him the next day, November 16 1865, for one and one half dollars per day and worked for him till the 22nd of Nov. on which day I quit work about a-half hour by seven P. M., and went to Palo Alto to get me some tobacco.
While talking in town with a Mr Mason I heard someone across the street cry out "clear the track" and looking then saw Wallace Ivy with his hands full of brick-bats motioning as if to throw them at me. A man near me said to him "Take care how you throw there is a lady in that store." Wallace Ivy then walked around to another side of the place where I was standing and threw three brick-bats at me.

I then started home on the run. Had got about two hundred yards when I heard someone riding after me and turning saw Wallace Ivy riding after me on his brother-in-laws horse. When he came near he called out God damn you [[halt?]] having a pistol in his hand at the time.

I turned to him and said Master Wallace what do you want of me I have done nothing to you. Said he God damn you talk the