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Office Sub Com Freedmans Bureau
Post of Okolona Miss Nov 30" 186[[5?]]

Personaly appeared before me W.F. DuBois, 1st Lt 108" 
U. S. C. I. and Sub Com'r Freedmans Bureau Okolona Miss, Dennis Ivy, a Freedman of Chickasaw County and State of Miss, and made oath to the following, to wit:

My name is Dennis Ivy. I formerly belonged to Drusilla Ivy of the State and County aforesaid. 
After the Surrender I made a Contract with her Son and Agent, Henry Ivy, to work on her plantation till the end of the year 1865.

On or about the 25" day of October 1865 Wallace Invy, a Grandson of Drucilla Ivy, came to her house, Said Wallace Ivy having no authority or control on the premises, and called for my son Buck Ivy.

I told him my son had gone down to Henry Ivy's after a buggy. Then he asked me where the other boys were. I replied that a boy by the name of Wash was down at his house and that he was the only one at home. He then called Wash and he came to him. Soon after Wash called a little boy by the name of Bill. Bill's Mother told me to tell him that Bill had gone with Buck, I told him so.

Wallace Ivy repled "God Damn you old soul You had better send them all off." I told him I was acting under the order of Drucilla Ivy and Henry Ivy in sending them, then went back in the house and put on my shoes, saying that I would go out and see what there was to do and help do it, then went out. Wallace Ivy met me and caught me by the collar and said "God Damn you old soul Ill let