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Office Sub Com Freedmans Bureau
Post of Okolona Miss Dec 6" 1865.

This day personally appeared before me W. F. DuBois 1st Lieut 108" U. S. C. I. and Sub Com'r Freedmans Bureau Post of Okolona Miss Scott Shell Freedman and made oath to the following.

My name is Scott Shell. I formerly belonged to Pettis Shell of the County of Chickasaw State of Miss. At the Surrender I made a contract with him to work for a share of the one tenth of the crop, the Contract to end at Christmas 1865. On or about the 25" day of November 1865 Pettis Shell sent myself and George Shell, Freedman, to the woods after some timber. When we returned Pettis Shell scoldes us for having been so long after the timber saying that we had been fooling our time away and had done nothing that morning. I told him that we had not been fooling away any of the time but had been engaged all the time.

He said he knew better that we had been fooling. I still contended that we had been busy all the time. He denying it. At length he said "Dont you dispute my words or dont you say so any more" I still insisted that we had fooled away no time. He then Caught a hatchet and threw it at me. I dodged the 

Transcription Notes:
changed "Chickasau" to "Chickasaw"