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hatchet and it passed me and struck George Shell in the back, cutting through his coat and shirt and cutting a gash as long as the hatchet's edge, and not quite a quarter of an inch deep.

I then went to work again for him. My wife was living on Samuel Smiths plantation. Samuel Smith rented out his plantation and the man to whom he had rented wanted to use the house in which my wife was living.

On the night of Dec 1 1865 when I went home to my wife, I found that this man had been obliged to put some of my things out of doors to get his own things in.

This man to whom Samuel Smith had rented his place was named Alexander Mikan  As he had given me a weeks notice to get some other house I had asked Pettis Shell to let me have a few days to fix up a house that had been promised me but he refused me. Then I offered to [[hire?]] my time This he refused. Next, I asked him to let a man who was a better worker than I come in my place. This also he refused. My wife was now sick and perfectly helpless. My property lying out of doors and exposed to the weather. Had tried every way to get permission to go and prepare a place to move her and them to and failed. So I took the time and went the next morning which was Saturday and