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I find that spirits and liquors are being sold to Freedmen here. This I shall correct if possible.
I have to report to you one case of neglect of duty and injustice by the Mayor and ex-Officio Justice of the Peace of this town. On Sunday Dec 3rd 1865 a drunken white man by the name of John Smith made an assault on a peacable Freedman by the name of Fred. Craw, shaking his fist in his [[underlined]] face, threatening [[/underlined]] and cursing, then, picking up a brick threatened to smash his brains out because Fred Craw had told him that if he struck him the day before he (Fred Craw) would knock him down. For using this language the Freedman Fred Craw, was arrested and brought before the Mayor, A.C. Martan, tried for violating a City ordinance, convicted & fined five (5) dolars. This on Monday Dec 4th. The Freedman, Fred Craw, then procured a warrant for the arrest of John Smith leaving the warrant in the hands of the Officials. The man Smith was in town day after day yet no arrest was made though I spoke of the matter three (3) several times to the Mayor.

Now the man has gone. thus the innocent has been punished while they have made no attempt to punish the guilty.

I Am

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Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
[[signature]] W. F. DuBois [[/signature]] 1st Lt & Sub Com.
Freedmans Bureau Post of Okolona