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I told her they were in my cabin, and, thinking she wanted to take them from me as she intended moving away that morning, I asked Robert Kendrick, her son, if the flat irons were not mine. He did not reply.

Then I told Elizabeth Kendricks that my husband bought my irons while I was waiting & tending on her sons Robert and John Kendricks while they were superintending the Strong plantation. She then struck me. I did not strike back but said to her "don't hit me again" and stepped back. She followed me and struck me again. Then I pushed her off and kept stepping back. She followed and struck me again. Said I Do not strike me again I am going off. At this both herself and son jumped on me both beating me. Robert Kendricks struck me with his fist under the left eye cutting a gash about an inch long. Soon he quit beating me and gave his mother a large knife such as is used to stick hogs with with a blade about five (5) inches long saying, "Ma stab her with the knife." She took it and tried to stab me with it. I dodged the first thrust, and, caught her hand, with the knife, with one of mine with my other hand caught the knife and held it.

Robert Kendricks caught me and made me let go of her hand then beat me again.

While he was beating me Elizabeth Kendricks drew the knife out of my hand cutting one finger

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half off and slightly cutting one of the others, both beating me 'till Robert Kendricks saw the blood running down my face when he quit beating me and went away. Elizabeth Kendricks still kept beating me for a time then picked up an ax and attempted to stike me with it. I took it from her then she quit beating me. I told her I was going to Okalona. She said I should not go but when she left my house I locked it up and came to Okalona. Elizabeth Kendricks was partly intoxicated while beating me.

Juliana her x mark Kendricks

Sworn and subscribed to before  
me this sixth day of Dec 1865
[[signature]] W.F. DuBois [[/signature]]
1st Lt & Sub Com Freedmans Bureau
Okalona Miss.

Isabella Kendricks  Freedman
Rose Kendricks  " [[ditto for Freedman]] 
Louise Kendricks  " [[ditto for Freedman]]