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During all the perilous times to property, when the soldiers were returning & committing depredations, I protected the Horses and Mules claimed by the Freedmen, from theft, and Robbery at the risk of my life.

I cite this to show that my course and action has ever been to uphold them in their just claims. And these frequent complaints proceed from some unjustifiable source.

Mr. C. C. Drew who attended the sale of the personalty, promised to settle for hauling the corn on the Whitaker place: I furnished the wagons and teams and hired a third. There is a Blacksmith account against the Admr. for about $30 for work done on the Whitaker Place which also ought to be paid by the Bureau. [[strikethrough]] if [[/strikethrough]]

It is proper to remark, that immediately after the sale of the personalty, on the 21st inst. when Mr. C. C. Drew made proposition for compromise, I instructed my Attorney to take the necessary steps to effect the Compromise, which you perceive he carried into effect: And in pursuance of the Orders of the Court I shall proceed to sell the remainder of the Corn, on the 21st Dec. inst. at which time and same place I will be pleased if you will send an Officer to 

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see that the terms of the Compromise are carried out. [[strikethrough]] You [[/strikethrough]]

In the Attitude I stand, you must admit that my position while of heavy pecuniary responsibility and clothed with important trusts to execute, is one not free from much difficulty, while I am restrained by the Authority of the Court from exceeding my power as Admr. and unable to take any step without its advise & concurrence, I am threatened with Military Authority if I 'trench in the least jot or tittle upon the rights of the Freedmen: Verily; has it been said, "No man can serve two
masters" -
But in conclusion I have to draw your attention to the fact, that this Estate plundered as it has been, is the property of women and Orphans, two male heirs, one blind, the other in bad health, neither of whom ever were in the Conf. Army, nor ^[[was]] the deceased owner ^[[insertion]] ever in the Army [[/insertion]] who was an old man suddenly murdered about a year since.

I would be pleased if the Bureau and its officers would take steps for the removal of the Freedmen from the Places, through their wilfullness or carelessness they have fired ^[[insertion]] & destroyed [[/insertion]] more than one mile of fence recently. I hope this will engage your early attention and that  

Transcription Notes: " 'Jot or tittle' is a phrase that means a very small amount." --Jlch Personalty is personal property which is not real property, money or investments. Personalty is movable assets or things. stopped on third paragraph of first page Edited: completed both pages