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Hd Qrs Det 12th Ind Cav
Austin Miss Aug 9th 1865

Lt Col R S Donaldson.
A A Com Bureau Freedmen.

I have the honor to ask for instructions, as to the hiring of women where there sevral children who are not able to maintain themselves, and what disposition is to be made of them  I have approved a number of Contracts while in command at Starkville Miss. and have been asked what is to be done with the children as above stated, and, I have not been able to satisfy any party on the subject, as I have never seen any orders or Circulars in Referince to that matter. I have no Blank's and there is no chance to have them printed at this Post. Please sent a lot of Blanks for this Post, send to Senatobia Miss and my courrier will bring them through.

Very Respt your obt srvt
[[signature]] J M Graves [[/signature]]
Capt Comd'g Post and U S Forces

Lt Col R S Donaldson
Com Bureau Freedman