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One at Commerce. I think this would be all the schools that would be necessary at this time. It would be an easy matter to erect suitable Buildings for Schools as, timber is abundant in this vicinity

The citizens appear to be anxious that the work of Educating the Freedmen may go on as they manifest their willingness to assist in the work.

There is a number of Freedmen here who have been working for themselves that have accumulated a considerable amount of property, and as a general thing, they all think they can pay the expenses of educating their Children, if they are allowed to work for wages, which I tell them they have a perfect right to do.

I shall get my Blank Books next week then I shall urge the colored people to come up and be Lawfully Married, as they cannot prosper if they continue in their old way of taking up together and posting at their own will.

Very Respt your Obt Sevt
[[signature]] D. M. Graves [[/signature]]
Capt Comd'g Post

Lt S. D. Barnes
A. A. A. G.