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Joseph M. Mellen
1st. Lieut. 96th Aero Squadron. 
Landed 10 July 1918 near Coblenz. 
Breguet 14132. Harvard 1917
Garden City, Long Island, N.Y.

George H Ratterman
1st Lieut. Air Service U.S.A.
Captured at Burg Rhine. July 10th 1918. Breguet
2012 Terrace Place. Nashville, Tenn.


Edwin R. Albertson
2nd Lieut. Air Service, U.S.A. 
Captured near Conflans, Aug.4, 1918
Harrington Place
Hillsdale, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Horace P. Wells. 104 R.A.F. DeH.9. 
1st Lieut. Air Service U.S.A. 
Captured Baden Oos. Aug. 22'18. 
University of Colorado Sigma Alpha Epsilon
1464 Milwaukee St.
Denver. Colorado. 

[[left margin]] York 2670. [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
DeH 9 are the de Havilland planes they flew