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Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1918

Reported to 27th Headquarters at 10 Ack Emma.

Heard of Fighting Inst. Wadley having a crash. He spun in the Aerodrome broke his hip and injured his passenger. He certainly put the wind up all flyers around Hicks. 

The Major seems to be on a tear.  One sergeant "busted" and Cadet Hayward in the Klink. Outside of that all is quiet along the Potomac. 

Had a good talk with Lieut Pierce about planes. 


Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1918

Went up in a formation to day for two hours. 

Bum formation as the leader Rucker kept his throttle on full and I had a slow bus. Buck and I couldn't catch up to save our life. We went over Everman and broke up. Then we formed up and went over Everman and west. 

I am tenting with March Huebner 

Warmer today with a strong wind.