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Thursday, Jan. 10, 1918

This morning is the last flying day for the 27th - was up for two hours in the worst weather I have flown in Took a sergeant up and chased [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] trains all morning. At 1500 ft. the ground was invisible

Was finally forced to land by driving rain and missing engine

When we got out of the bus Sergt. & I could hardly walk we were so stiff. A couple of Immelmanns and side slips were all the stunts I did.


Friday, Jan. 11, 1918

Rumored that our commissions are here, but no one will believe it.  March borrowed my coat and wore it to town.  I am loafing around in his old issue coat.  Peyton spends most of his time in town with some Ft. Worth girl.  Generally comes in soused.  Chased around to see if all my records are straight.  Everything seems to be clear.  I am on the 20 which were on the Major's original list.  Three Cheers

Transcription Notes:
Immelmann turns are a combat maneuver Named after WWI German ace Max Immelmann