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Saturday, Jan. 12, 1918

Snow and north wind.

Have been practicing on the wireless key yesterday and today. It is only warm place in camp. Payton March doesn't want to leave with 22nd He says he will bugger when they go. Huebner wants to buy my boots which don't fit by a long shot. Some of the boys came out to camp tonight with their commissions on

[[strikethrough]]Rumored that we get our commissions tomorrow.[[/strikethrough]]


Sunday, Jan. 13, 1918

Our commissions arrive and [[strikethrough]]about[[/strikethrough]] 84 new fledged officers bloom out after spending all day get the papers signed. It seems too good to be true after waiting for such a long time.

I have no insignia or wings ready for the occassion. Moy lends me his hat badge which I shall put on tomorrow in order to get to Fort Worth without having to have a pass. 

Those with 2nd Lieuts. are not looking very happy 

Commission dates Jan. 12. 1918