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Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1918

Letter arrives from Anne with the day planned so following G. Vick's precident I bugger and go into town and at last stand face to face with Chappie in the lobby of the University Court. Kate Seelye her cousin Anne and I hold a little party in a Broadway Chop Suey house. When I asked the business lady handling the hats and coats what part of China she came from she said "I own this joint." 

It was great to spend the evening getting reacquainted with Anne. Dope on Wooster much appreciated. 


Thursday, Jan. 31, 1918

Back in morning after sleeping in Bixlers room 313 Union Seminary. 

Doc Arnold sore because I broke q. & left a pail full of dirty water in which I had washed my face. In real disquietude of spirit I await the arrival of the Major. He comes. "Where have you been for the last couple of days Miller." Ans. "Exercising sir" -"I'm sick and tired of this going out and staying away for several days -- for a little while is all right but this wont do" -- Il est fini.