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Monday, Feb. 25, 1918

Reveille and Breakfast per schedule. Officers went on board train at 5:45, first car of 3rd section.

At Long Island City I beat it to a Jew Hawk shop and bot. mandolin strings. We took ferry and went down around the Battery pass Brooklyn Yards and around to the Cunard Docks where we went on board the H.M.S Olympic. Prinz got $1 worth of Cake for us and all partook before going onboard  For the third time Kennedy was late. Dr Arnold had to go back for him.

I have stateroom with Martin B17. Have bet on with Marty that ship doesn't pull out before breakfast tomorrow morning. So many majors on board that I am proud to be a lieutenant.


Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1918

Olympus does not like behavior of young flying officers in Smoking room and on deck. Not showing our seniors due respect, so they say. We all proceed to practise up our Salute. Lost 1$ to Martin because he bet we would leave White Star dock before breakfast. All men kept in between decks till we got well out to sea. Stiff breeze blowing Under Hall we give exhibition of British Drill on Boatdeck all morning. Prinz, first to get sick at lunch. His grimaces afford amusement to us all. Nice trip before us is the forecast. 

My valise & barracks bag went to the hole worse luck All must wear life belts at all times.