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Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1918

Orders and Officers meetings follow each other in quick succession. The Hierarchy of Colonels, Majors, Artillery Officers and Staff Officers decide that Flying Pilots must have something to do so we are detatched from our squads and reattached to others for duty during trip. It probab. will be good experience for us at that.

Major Rice gave us a little lecture on showing our superiors more courtesy & consideration. Possibly it was needed. 

Dance in P.M.on A deck.


Thursday, Feb. 28, 1918

Gymnasium becomes popular. Learn to ride the bucking camel and get very stiff overdoing it. Leather coat proves a valuable article of dress on board.

Today for the second time we practice the boat drill. The staff officers march their men up to their respective places on A & B deck. The flying officers go to their squadron. 

The Casuals & Nurses all assemble on boat deck. The 119th Artillery Band plays during the Ceremony.

We stand until the Col & Staff have inspected. The Recall is blown. 

Impromptu concert in Dinning Saloon at night. Prinz with captivated Miss Rice. He digs up a Accordian Star and does Jazz.