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Tuesday, March 5, 1918

Up this morning to see the Irish coast Soon afterward the coast of Wales appeared. The fleet of U.S. destroyers are very busy At 9:05 by the log the foremost destroyer discharged a depth bomb blew 4 blasts on it's whistle and immediately one of our 6 guns fired at a log in the water which some thought was a periscope. Much excitement. Miss Pulse came on deck and I spent the morning with her. 

Just before lunch we passed Bar Lights. Went into dock at Liverpool in afternoon. Men amuses themselves by throwing cigarettes & Bull Durham to Townies & dock hands. Dance on deck for the evening Leave in Morning


Wednesday, March 6, 1918

March off boat at 9 AM. Tramp over to station. Lovely trip from Liverpool Birmingham Oxford Hentley [[Henley]] Wolverhampton to Winchester rest camp. March out to camp and get assigned to quarters. England impresses us all as a wonderfully pretty and neat landscape garden. No colors clash. The homes built of red brick seem to blend with the landscapes as though grown there by nature Lovely clear streams run thru the country like a net-work irrigating the soil Spring comes very early here and the birds are all tuning up.