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Beaumont Barracks

Saturday, March 23, 1918

Letter arrived from Mother addr to Garden Ct.

Up 9.30 Late to report at squadron call. Washed in a horse trough. Had pay voucher commenced. 27 men paid this morning. Gave Dudley a pair of rap-puttees. 

Visited Commissary & Q. Mr's. Dr. Pruden rode my bike around and broke the handlebars. Had same repaird. At the shop Rucker was taken for Napoleon. 

Played in game of B.B. 27th 139 Sqdn. Score about 16-9 our favor By chance made about 5 runs. 

Had a serious talk with Hunt. Several mutual resolves made. Was taken for a cook by the guard Much laughter. Heard of Huus Spring drive Commencing Bombarded London


Beaumont Barracks. 

Sunday, March 24, 1918

We have had lovely weather ever since reaching, England & France

Freddie and I ride out to the Golf and play an early game of tennis 8-10 A.M. Neither play well. We both enjoy the game very much. In the P.M. I went out to the Tours L'École d'Aviation to see some stunt flying. MacArthur and I look over the machines at the field. Sopwith's, S.I.A.'s Henry Farman's, Caudron's and an old Monoplane. Très interéssant

Rode back by the Loire and away around the town It was a beautiful ride.