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Beaumont Barracks

Monday, March 25, 1918

I am officer-of-the-day. Late to nine o'clock formation so failed to inspect the men. Maj didn't say anything about it however Lots of mail to censor. At first it was rather interesting but soon became monotonous. 

Sgt. Eccleston and Sgt. Bradley come with a complaint against Stroud so I [[strikethrough]] preferred [[/strikethrough]] looked up the charges which we made up on a charge sheet (65 Article of War). 

The rest of the day went smoothly. MacElvain took my duty for the night and slept in the office


Beaumont Barracks 

Tuesday, March 26, 1918

Rumor hath that Lieut Pierce is going to be transferred from adjutant of the squadron to another job. Lunch 16 F's at Hotel Univers

In the P.M. I wandered out to the "Golf" where I take Freddie on and trim him at a set of tennis. He was feeling tired after playing several sets with Bugs or I fear the results would have been different. 

[[strikethrough]]In the evening I stuck around camp and went to bed early.[[/strikethrough]] Had diner at Cafe L'Univers with 27th party. Went to Alhambra with Kennedy. Saw some crazy girls down the street and left them.