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Wednesday, March 27, 1918

Up fairly early Spend morning in prepairding my lecture on "checking up Rigging". Lecture at 2 P.M. Not too great a success but made me better acquainted with the men. 

After the lecture played in another game with the 139th. Very interesting game we made seven runs in one inning and just snatched the game from them 11-9 If Montgomery had stayed in the box for them I fear we would have lost. 

Word came that we leave for Issoudun Friday morning  Met Darwin & played Billiards with him. Hoskins also ran with us in a game.


Thursday, March 28, 1918

Put through trial of Stroud at. Capt Kelly's Office. They took it down to Barracks 66. Arranged for Summary Court Martial at 4 P.M.

Turned my bicycle in after a good weeks hard ussage. 

Clark turns up from Paris and reports to the squadron Took him down town and fixed him up at Hotel Bordeau. Then we went to supper and then went to his room while he regailed me with his past experiences since I left Texas  Orders that we leave for Issoudun tomorrow morning at 9.30.

Reveille very early.