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Wednesday, April 10, 1918

Up early to get on the 15's.
Bad weather so:.ground lectures  Lecture on Inspection #1 of planes and at 10'clock Lecture on Cross country. Learned something about steering a course by an Aero-compass.

Shot clay pidgeons then as weather cleared up went to landing class. First ride on a Scout Hip! Hip! Hurrah! 

Put in 4 landings. 

To bed early after a fine supper


Thursday, April 11, 1918

Up for landing class at 6. Wanamaker loses his engine and lands short in a grape yard--Breaks a prop.

Put in 5 landings. Out in pm. Have 3 land. and am lachéd to spirals with Montgomery MacClure MacArthur. My last three landings were exceptionally good. Maybe at least I am learning how to land.

Moy breaks up three busses in the 18's Poor old fellow.

Major Hartney tip the Morane monoplane over on its back.