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Wednesday, April 24, 1918

Bad weather no flying.
Shoot 12 & 9 out of 50 rounds

Get leave to main camp in P.M. Enjoy a good bath

Just catch the truck back to field 7 by getting into a side car at Transportation offices and charging down the road after the lorrie

Met Morris in the showers Played on second Princeton Soccer team with me. Had a nice chat with him.
In the evening went with Clark to Issoudun. saw the old tower and gate of the town Had a second dinner at the Grand Hotel de France. 



Thursday, April 25, 1918

Cloudy First formation not held. Martin sick after the party with Jerry Sumner & Bugs the night before.

Lose my formation and hook on to Raymond Clapp and another quick trip to Vierzon Bourges & back Diamond formation is rather difficult Heard that a lot of 139 & Ordway have been sent back to Main field from Spirals Field #5. I don't believe Freddie minds not flying a scout. In p.m. have formation with [[strikethrough]] Martin [[/strikethrough]] Hill Sewers Phelan & then Martin Hill Phelan and Sewers. Hoover back from formation last Tuesday with Hunt. Hunt crashed at Lignières