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Sunday, April 28, 1918

Nothing exciting today. When the inspecting officer came thru our barracks Clark says, "Where do get that stuff calling Officer's to Attention" we thot there would be excitement for a while but he fixed it up some way.

Wrote to Besse Mother & the Farmers Loan & Trust.

In the p.m. Hicker and I went exploring. Visited St. Valentine and La Champenoise Met Mlle.      from
Paris refugee from bombardment. Took picture of her and little orphan Lulu. Missed supper negotiating swamps.


Field #8

Monday, April 29, 1918

We transfer to field 8 this morning. Truck goes at 10.15. Found MacArthur and Gunn over here Jerry and McElvain are going into main camp. Not coming to this field. The course here seems to be very good. I believe it well worth the time.

Made one hop on the trial bus after dinner. Made a very good landing. I have number 370. These type 27 Nieuports have several little peculiarities all there own. Very easy on the controls. Traps Score 8,11 In evening played ball & nigger baby.