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Field #8

Tuesday, April 30, 1918

At work today - Ground mist until 9 o'clock. Flying at 10:30 until 11:30. Class in aiming with sights on buss. Diving at a silhouette on the aerodrome. My landing wasn't very smooth. Several crashes on landings. Hill and Gunn wrecked busses. MacArthur came back from the Hospital with a cut over the left eye. Hunt is still down there after his crash at Ligniéres.

I went into camp in p.m. to get a bath as a chandell in my 370 undercarriage is bent and my mechanics are working on it now. 139th mess (pm) at


Field 8 to Paris 

Wednesday, May 1, 1918

While still in bed orders came thru for us to go to main field to report for [[strikethrough]] Trael [[/strikethrough]] Travel orders for Epiez. On the way MacArthur and I stop at M'dam Therré's for our laundry much parlez but finally got most of it. Saw Baudy with his commission just before leaving. Had lunch and beaucoup "Anjou Mousseau" at Delmonico's with Jerry, Clapp, Rucker Hill, MacArthur, MacElvain Miller present. Took 3 P.M. train for Paris and arrive at the Quai d'Orsay via Orleans. All takes taxis to the Continental where we fine real luxury. Mac A and I saunter out on the Boulevard in darkness