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Off for the Front

Monday, May 6, 1918

Wakened at 6:30 Cold bath Pack up and off by taxi for the Gare de L'Est Lovely Express for Gondrecourt with dinning car in the rear etc. Gunn MacA [[strikethrough]] met [[/strikethrough]] two YM men and I had an appartment to our selves Lucky we thot to reserve [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] seats. 

Much excitement when we pass thru towns with bullet riddled walls and holes in the roofs Also beaucoup gun emplacements. Get to Gondrecourt at 1:15 and telephone for truck. Find aerodrome a way out in the woods screened by a forest and well camouflaged. Ferry pilot smashed first buss to come 


Aerodrome at Epiez 

Tuesday, May 7, 1918

Up at 7.45 this morning. We are waiting on the Ferry pilots to get our machines up to us now. Missed truck for Neufchateu after getting the Majors permission to go. Flight commander's announced

A Flight: Grant- Hill Hunt MacElvain Gunn Raymond

B Flight: Norton- Elliot, Hoover, Schmitt, Vasconcells, Hudson

C Flight: Wanamaker- Martin Miller Rucker MacArthur Clapp

Pump up MacA football and kick it around.

Thunder storm. One man on guard struck by lightening killed two others injured by it. Gave the pup Jerry a lesson in obedience