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Wednesday, May 8, 1918

Raining and looks like its for the day. Fired 5 rounds with the old Springfield. Went boar hunting with Norton Didn't find any boars-

Officers meeting at 11 o'clock to decide who should be mess officer as Powers refuses to go on with it. A committee appointed to draw up mess rules and recommend a new mess president. 

In the afternoon we attended the funeral of the 147th mechanic who was killed by lightening last evening. Letter from Bill came in and was enjoyed muchly by me. Little Jerry is forcing me to have a bed made.


Major & Grant fly A flight's 28.

Thursday, May 9, 1918

Up to find rain and a lowering sky.

Spent a part of morning in redding up my room.  Got an order from Lt. Depuy to have a bed made by the squadron carpenters.  They promise one by the afternoon  Did some shooting with pistol and rifle  MacArthur certainly is putting in a lot of time with the firearms.  He has been appointed range officer by the Major.  Hill is now busy as Intelligence Officer and Gunn is his assistant.  Bugs Raymond came floating in with several 147 Pilots this p.m.  Visited Neuf Chateau Bot hip boots.
[[margin]] Saw Joan d'Arc's birthplace at Domrémy Beautiful trip.  Enjoyed a bath at La Fayette Club.  [[/margin]]