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Friday, May 10, 1918

Rain - Shooting on the range at an early hour. Officer's Meeting.  Hill gives an outline of his work as Intelligence Officer.

Elliot is post postmaster.

In the afternoon a few more 28's arrive from Paris.

Lieut. Chambers of R.F.C. 100 Squadron landed here in a F.E. bomber with an N.C.O. observer to wait for better weather.  On one occassion he returned to his own Aerodrome to find it being bombed.  He flew to the next Aerodrome.  MacArthur cried, "And did you get help and go back after them".  No-No- I just stopped down and had tea" says he.


Grant flies 28 a second time

Saturday, May 11, 1918

Up a little late.  Rain with a threat of clearing.  Officers meeting at Intelligence Office was a discussion of the monosoupape.  Did some shooting with pistol and rifle My shooting is improving quite a little

Three more Ferry pilots arrived with busses.  Clapp has arranged an old-fashioned barbeque with a roast lamb (whole) and beaucoup beer.  We held it down in the woods -A-Hight incl. Grant, Hill, also (Rucker MacElvaia Varconcells) & Raymond got rather wild before we broke up.

Came back early and discussed poetry with Lieut Pruden.

Elected Mess Officers after Lunch 
{ Pres Pruden 
{ Sec. Clapp
{ Treas. Hoover 